

Okay, so based upon how long these took to do, you will NOT be seeing me parked next to a cotton candy stand at Six Flags firing these off at $15.00 a pop any time soon. I am just not quick enough at this (yet) to do it professionally. That said, I think these took me about an 30-40 minutes a piece to do, including sketch time. I’ve included the reference photos for comparison. These were also done as an exercise for the character design class I mentioned in an earlier post. The purpose of which was to translate facial expression as much as likeness. While I was happy with the way these turned out, I think my favorite is the bald guy. Something about the expression and elongation of the neck that reminds me of a turtle (tortoise?).

Caricature 001

Photo Reference 001

Caricature 002

Photo Reference 002


Comics, Illustration

So, I’ve been away for a little while. Not really away so much as “moved away” to a new house and studio, etc. I now have an entire floor of the house to call my own, a basement actually… so it’s a lot like when I was in high school. I’m not sure if that’s something I should be proud of or not.

Anyway, I recently completed my graduate degree and have an entire backlog of stuff that I wanted to share here but, because I was insanely busy, did not have the time to do so. So, we’ll kick things off with a final project I did for my character design class back in December.

The character is one I’ve had bouncing around in my head for quite some time, “The Phantom-Fury.” I have included a complete turn and a page of facial expressions for your edification. The thing to note, and something that will become apparent through subsequent posts, is that it took an entire semester for me to realize that the entire point of the class was “simplify, simplify, simplify!”


Phantom-Fury Character Turns

Phantom-Fury Character Facial Expressions

Light Bohrd Skateboard Art


A while back I posted some art from a cool project I was involved with. For the past few months I have been creating some artwork for Light Bohrd’s new line of light-up skateboard decks. I am happy to say that I can now show you the rest of the pieces in the line. For more on Light Bohrd and the Kickstarter campaign they started to fund the project you can go here. I am really excited about having the opportunity to work on something so awesome!

Shane Glines Is My Hero

Comics, Illustration

Some of you may be aware, others might not, most probably don’t care but I am about to be finished with graduate school in about another month. I could not be happier! That said, I am currently taking a character design class at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco (online) and this week’s assignment was to choose one of the artistic styles covered in the reading module and emulate it. One of the styles we covered was none other that of Shane Glines. You may be familiar with Shane’s character design work on Batman: The Animated Series. I’m a huge fan of his work, namely, because so much of what he does is so stylistically divergent from what I’m normally comfortable doing myself. It also has a very kitschy-cool 60’s feel to it that just screams sexy. So, here is my homage to Mr. Glines and his awesome work.

"Ecto-Man and the Witchy Woman"


I’m going to Mid-Ohio Con!

Comics, Illustration

That’s right – I’m going to be at Mid-Ohio Comic Con this weekend!

My long-time friend and co-colaborator Tim and I will be debuting our comic project REFORMATION at Mid-Ohio and we couldn’t be more excited. If you’re going to be at the con this weekend stop by artist alley, booth 1219, and see us. We’ll have some cool stuff at the table and it’ll be the only place to get the entire first issue of REFORMATION in advance of the online release– that alone is a good enough reason to come out!

Hope to see some friendly faces and make some new friends – Can’t wait!